Connecting a Google domain to a Netlify Site

The documentation on Netlify’s site can be a little confusing so I made this for myself for next time. Hopefully it helps someone else!

You are going to need to create 2 records:

  1. “apex” domain
  2. “www” subdomain

We will start with the subdomain which will require a CNAME record. Followed the apex record the is tied to an A record.

On the Google Domains site when logged in, choose the domain you want to configure. You should then see a menu on the side, with a link to DNS

From here, look for Custom Records. It should be just a little ways down the screen. If you don’t see it, make sure you are in the Default Name Servers (Active) tab.

Click Manage Custom Records. From here, you should see a row with empty fields and a button to add a new record. This first field we will use to set up the subdomain record.

Click the select element to choose the type of record, and select CNAME. Enter www in the hostname field, and in the data field.